Width =1200; // ange bredden på sidan som ska snöas in... Height =7000; // ange höjden på sidan som ska snöas in... Count =50; // antal snöflingor OBS! ange inte för stort antal! MaxStep=3; // max steg i rörelsen MinStep=1; // min steg i rörelsen MaxFlake=10; // max storlek på snöflinga MinFlake=4; // min storlek på snöflinga PosX = new Array(); PosY = new Array(); StepX = new Array(); StepY = new Array(); StarSize=new Array(); for (i = 0; i < Count; i++) { PosX[i] = Math.random()*Width; PosY[i] = Math.random()*Height; StepX[i] =MinStep+Math.random()* -MaxStep; StepY[i] =MinStep+Math.random()* MaxStep; StarSize[i]=MinFlake+Math.random() * MaxFlake; document.write(""); } function animate() { for (i = 0; i < Count; i++) { PosY[i] += StepY[i]; PosX[i] += StepX[i]; document.getElementById("Obj"+i).style.visibility = "visible"; if (PosY[i] > Width || PosX[i] > Height || PosX[i]<0) { // starta om från toppen av sidan när mitten nås PosX[i] = Math.random()*Width; ///2 PosY[i] = -20; StepX[i] = MinStep+Math.random()* -MaxStep; StepY[i] = MinStep+Math.random()* MaxStep; } document.getElementById("Obj"+i).style.top = PosY[i] + "px"; document.getElementById("Obj"+i).style.left = PosX[i] + "px"; } setTimeout("animate()", 50);// hastighet } setTimeout("animate()", 1000);

You'll never make it now that's what they told you, you start to figure out who really cares for you. when no ones around no one is there for you.

It's not fair all the things that just had to happen
Some days you wake up and feel like you've been abandoned
Life didn't shape up in the way that you planned it
The life you live is not the one that you imagined


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