Width =1200; // ange bredden på sidan som ska snöas in...
Height =7000; // ange höjden på sidan som ska snöas in...
Count =50; // antal snöflingor OBS! ange inte för stort antal!
MaxStep=3; // max steg i rörelsen
MinStep=1; // min steg i rörelsen
MaxFlake=10; // max storlek på snöflinga
MinFlake=4; // min storlek på snöflinga
PosX = new Array();
PosY = new Array();
StepX = new Array();
StepY = new Array();
StarSize=new Array();
for (i = 0; i < Count; i++) {
PosX[i] = Math.random()*Width;
PosY[i] = Math.random()*Height;
StepX[i] =MinStep+Math.random()* -MaxStep;
StepY[i] =MinStep+Math.random()* MaxStep;
StarSize[i]=MinFlake+Math.random() * MaxFlake;
function animate() {
for (i = 0; i < Count; i++) {
PosY[i] += StepY[i];
PosX[i] += StepX[i];
document.getElementById("Obj"+i).style.visibility = "visible";
if (PosY[i] > Width || PosX[i] > Height || PosX[i]<0) { // starta om från toppen av sidan när mitten nås
PosX[i] = Math.random()*Width; ///2
PosY[i] = -20;
StepX[i] = MinStep+Math.random()* -MaxStep;
StepY[i] = MinStep+Math.random()* MaxStep;
document.getElementById("Obj"+i).style.top = PosY[i] + "px";
document.getElementById("Obj"+i).style.left = PosX[i] + "px";
setTimeout("animate()", 50);// hastighet
setTimeout("animate()", 1000);
Times have changed and times are strange, here I come but I ain't the same. You took me in and you drove me out, lost and found and turned around by the fire in your eyes. You made me cry, you told me lies. But I can't stand to say goodbye.